Rootballs are the silent monuments in the forest.

A rootball represents the end of a long, distinguished life, unwitnessed but for the occasional hunter or hiker rambling through. The dead roots of the exposed bottom are not unlike the arteries seen in a cross-section of the human heart. For me, the rootball is a metaphor for the heart, a jumbled, complicated map attesting to the power of a once great tree. —Ben Marcin
Born in Augsburg, Germany. Most of my photographic essays explore the idea of home and the passing of time. Last House Standing and The Camps have received wide press both nationally and abroad (The Paris Review, iGnant, La Repubblica, Slate, Wired Magazine). My photographs have been shown at a number of national galleries and venues including the Baltimore Museum of Art; the Delaware Art Museum; The Griffin Museum of Photography in Winchester, MA; The Center for Fine Art Photography in Ft. Collins, CO; The Photographic Resource Center in Boston; and the Houston Center for Photography. Last House Standing (And Other Stories) was featured in a 2014 solo exhibit at the C. Grimaldis Gallery in Baltimore, where I am currently represented. My work is also in several important collections including the Baltimore Museum of Art.
Nancy McCrary
Nancy is the Publisher and Founding Editor of South x Southeast photomagazine. She is also the Director of South x Southeast Workshops, and Director of South x Southeast Photogallery. She resides on her farm in Georgia with 4 hounds where she shoots only pictures.